Tokan Crown



First of all, thanks for visiting my blog and/or signing up to my newsletter. This is a first for me in many ways and I’m equal parts, excited and anxious. The good kind of anxiousness, I think. I can’t imagine passion without those tingly sensations called goosebumps all over one’s initial foray. Still, we take the plunge, because what’s the alternative? stagnation? a life of what-ifs? That’s no way to live. That’s been my mantra for the past year. 

As a student, I was showered with recognition for my performance in essay compositions so of course silly 2019 me thought veering into novel-writing would be a cake walk. Lessons hit harder, unobfuscated,  ungarnished, when life is your teacher. 

Today, I’m grateful for every hurdle crossed and the arsenal of knowledge amassed over the years. Publishing is as fluid as it is mutative. There’s always going to be stones to turn but I can say I’m venturing into the query trenches a much more informed man than I was on my last (first) attempt two years ago. 

By documenting via this blog, I hope I can share a peek behind the curtain into the journey of a complete unknown aspiring to become an author and maybe one person can catch the rope behind me. There will be rejection and dejection along the way (it’s inevitable!) but I strive for milestones and accomplishments too, and so should you.

Until next time, thank you and take care.

Best Wishes,


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